Having an auto insurance plan offers peace of mind and protection for you and your vehicle. It also protects your finances against lawsuits that people could file against you after an accident. If you cause an accident to occur, what is the process for settling your claim? Here are several things to know if you cause an accident that leaves your car damaged.
Consider Your Policy Coverage
Some auto insurance coverage is only there to protect other drivers that experience damage from accidents you cause, but other coverage is for your vehicle. What types does your policy include? If you are unsure, look at your policy or call your insurance agency. If you have a liability-only policy, it will not provide compensation to you for your vehicle's damages. If you have collision and comprehensive coverages, you will be able to collect money from your policy for the damages to your car.
Find Out the Deductible
Before filing a claim, you should also find out your deductible amount. The deductible tells you how much money you are responsible for with the damages. Most people have a deductible of $500 or $1,000. With a $500 deductible, you pay the first $500 of damages, and your insurance company picks up the rest of the tab.
Contact Your Insurance Agent
If you decide to file a claim with your insurance policy, you will need to contact your insurance agent. The agent will walk you through all the required steps for filing a claim. This conversation might take 30 minutes or longer to complete, but it is a necessary step if you want to file a claim. If the damages are minor and cost less than your deductible, it would not make sense to file a claim.
Wait to Settle the Claim
After filing the claim, you will have to wait to settle it. The insurance company will need to send an adjuster to see your car to assess the damages. You will also need to choose a repair shop to handle the needed repairs. Once these things occur, you can get the car repairs you need, and your insurance company will cover their portion of the costs.
If you do not have auto insurance right now, you should consider buying a policy. Driving without insurance is illegal and unsafe. If you would like a free quote, contact an insurance agency in your city or online.